VV35VOD - "Amateur Wrestlers" - featuring: Trish McNaughton, Shannon Williams and Kristy Schultz
After attending the three amateur wrestling tournaments described in VV25, VV32 and VV33, we decided to pick out three women who we felt would be most interesting in terms of stature in the sport, wrestling skill, and over all physical appeal.
The three women chosen for this video exemplify these ideals, and we hope you will enjoy this truly unique video as much as we did taping it. 'Unique' implies that something is one of a kind, and to best of our knowledge, no other video exists covering individual females who are skilled in the art of freestyle wrestling (perhaps because the sport,and the women , are new to American athletic scene).
This video runs about 155 minutes, opens with Trish McNaughton's interview, asking her how she got started in wrestling, etc., then moves into a brief 'practice session' with her coach, where she demonstrates her athletic prowess by way of many take downs, etc. Then the two actually wrestle for real, and you will be surprised how well Trish holds up against her similar-size male foe who is a Olympic Champ!
Following this, Trish competes against the two other women (including world class wrestler Shannon Williams) in non-stop, hard fought action. This is topped off by some footage of Trish and Shannon from the tournament (taken from VV33).
Next up is Kristy Schultz, and the ex-bodybuilder gives us a brief interview, then does about 5 minutes of bodybuilding-style muscle posing before moving into her 15 minute match with Shannon Williams. The final half hour will go along way to answer the age-old question of "What if a trained women competed against a trained male high school wrestler of about the same weight?" Shannon goes against Tim, then Kristy against Jeremy, and the results shocked even us! We're not complaining, but we had to make two make two separate trips - one to Phoenix and one to Northern California - to be able to bring you this material, and who knows when we will be able to find three subjects like this again. But for now, in our opinion, this is the most unique and eye-opening women's video around today.
Total running time is about 155 minutes.